Monday, May 31, 2010

2 (and 1)

So, it's the end of May, and I'm happy to announce No 2 of 12:12 - it's a music video for the Berlin based avant-indie band GREY TELEVISION.

Keeping quiet on which song I'm doing a visual version of though. ;)

1 - abort is heavily being worked on in post prod. There's still a lot that has to be done to fix the edges and add some layers. So check back, I'll keep you posted.

In related news, Dennis Hopper passed away this weekend. Hopper starred in maybe the four defining films of four generations - REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, EASY RIDER, APOCALYPSE NOW and BLUE VELVET. There's no substitute for this guy.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I'm completely hungover from last night, but the shoot was absolutely amazing. I'm sitting at my iMac, skipping through various bon-bon colored takes, trying to get my head around the fact that I actually "did this".

The crew was absolutely fantastic, and without them I couldn't have made it. Especially big props to Thomas and Malte, both did an amazingly awesome job (even though we neither had to use the fisheye or the red bounce filter or the italian clamp).

I'm now heading into post production. In the meantime, I wanted to share this with you.

And this.

Hugs and Kisses.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I am currently working on a project entitled 12:12

It's basically 12 "pieces" I intend to shoot over the next 12 months (starting today). Those 12 will be short films, music videos and visual experiments. There are no fixed release dates, though I hope to be able to finish one project each month.

I've been working on the first one the last few weeks and shot the first part of it with a very talented and very amazing crew on friday (thank you - you know who you are). We'll wrap shooting later today. It's called "abort".

Above is a test shot we did to check the color of the light.

Check the blog for further infos on the various projects.

Hugs and kisses.