So much for drunken ramblings... *sigh*
So, YES, I am drunken. Completely. The occasion: watching MY BLOOY VALENTINE 3D. Yes, in 3D. With 3D glasses, in a cinema, filled with idiots.
I don't know if the film inspired the band, or the other way around... but I guess it didn't. The orriginal is a C-movie Schlocker from '81 I've never seen. Why the guys from Lionsgate decided to remake it, and why they decided to do it in 3D - I've got not a single clue!!
But the film is pretty well done. It's got some gore, and definetely has a HUGE trash-vallue. There are some red herrings thrown in that really make you guess who the killer is (I was right!! John: 1 - Phine: 0) and the film definetely gets better with the running time. And, BOY, were we drunk... the guy in front of us (who proceeded to snug with his girlfrined) asked us if we were high at some point. Obviously, the fuckface was SCARED TO DEATH!! Well, we weren't... But overall, the film really was worth the 9 Euros (!!!). Why it WAS in 3D still baffles me... there were 3 scenes which used the 3D-perspective in a good way, and overall it added to make the film a beter experience, but there wasn't any big jump-scare to justify the glasses. Still, it added to the atmosphere.
On my way home, some italans sat next to me, which provided a pretty surreal atmosphere to my trip home. I sat there, competely drunk, trying to put myself back together, and next to me, this extremely clihe-attractive-italian sat, who met some friends in the metro, going "Cue cesco di pradota di modi macusto de dona perque! Depastori duato ma Chiori da beto!" It was fascinating watching them... they could have debated politics (they repeated the word "gocha", which could men "left" and refer to the left winf party) or women ("donna" was used VERY often!!), but the warmth and restlessness of their dialogue really added to the atmosphere of my trip home...
I'm definetely glad that week is over though... to many strange and dull things happenned to me this week. Then again, it seems as if the time was pretty harsh on everybodyelse too... might be the moon...
Anyways, enjoy the trailer for the 1981-version of MY BLOODY VALENTINE - the schlock-slasher!!
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