This years hardest decision was which film to skip and which to see - a stylish swedish DV-thriller starring Peter Stormare or a stylish horror film in which a german doctor assembles a human centipede. Against my own better judgement, I decided to watch the swedish film.
CORRIDOR is a nice little Thriller: when a medical student moves into his new apartment, he gradually becomes obsessed with a women living above him. At first put off by her friendly and genuinely interested behavior, they slowly become friends - until her jealous boyfriend suspects him to sleep with her, and the girl suddenly vanishes.
CORRIDOR makes the best of what it's got: a claustrophobic setting, Hitchcock-ian twists and Peter Stormare. It was entertaining and clever, and even though it had some flaws, it was thoroughly enjoyable and can be recommended for a lonely evening at home. But somehow, I wonder just how sick Dr. Heiter really was in the other film...
Rating - 7/10
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