Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Go fetch the string for a while

It's amazing how all of a sudden, things fall back into place.
I can't hide from work at the moment. Each day is filled with loads of work, and it really does me good. So, what i've been up to, in short:
- I'm writing a lot for the MUSIKEXPRESS. The next issue will be filled with content by yours truly.
- I've been doing some smaller stuff for FRITZ. I'll tell ye when you can hear me on the ether.
- I've done another small thing I won't spoil yet, but I'll also tell you where and when you can access it.
- JEDER ANDERE TAG is getting along pretty well. I purchased some of the equipment for it, and I'm awaiting green-light/working on the financing.
- I'm working on a video clip for my good friends of GREY TELEVISION. Visit their page, they're really really good. They'll also play a gig with BETA (guess who THAT is) this month, go there!!
- I've worked on something I haven't told a whole lot of people. The working title is MY FAVORITE CANDLE. It's sort of "out there" and really weird and funny and absurd and cool and dark and action packed. It's sort of an ongoing thing. It's still in the development phase, but oh boy... I've been doing some sketches I might upload one of these days for locations and costumes and shit. JEDER ANDERE TAG is, whilst being a psychedelic noir film, pretty much "straight realism" compared to this monster. The first shot is an homage to late 60s/early 70s italian horror/giallo-films. That's all I'll be saying. It's pretty much "typically me" though. So stay tuned for some of this.
Apart from this, what is December offering??
Ryan Adams "String and the Wire", Polanski films, Cormac McCarty books and Red Wine.
And this:

Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Beatles never broke up - and did another album!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
REALITY LINE - Do not cross!
I received a mysterious envelope with the post this morning. There was no return address given or a post stamp on it. However, it was sealed with some yellow tape, that looked a bit like those american police-"do not cross"-tapes that everybody should be familiar with thanks to CSI.
I decided to open it up, and to my certain surprise, it contained money, two blank passports and a registration form (in german!!) to fill out and send in!!
Apparently, it's my passport to "DREAMLAND" - along with Dream$, and the form to register myself as a traveler.
The form states that on the 7th and 8th of November, there will be a Checkpoint to the Dreamland at the Stadtbad Wedding, open from 12 in the noon to 2 in the night both days.
Whatever this is, this is creepy/strange/disturbing enough for me to go and check it out. I hope some of you will come along, I really don't know what awaits me there... So yeah, 7th and 8th, Stadtbad Wedding... Whatever awaits us there, I hope my dreams will come true, and I hope it ain't THAT gothy looking fellow below, cause he surely looks a bit unfriendly...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Dear Everybody / why I have been quiet...
Hi there,
just a heads up - I'm busy working. For those who don't know, I started at RADIO FRITZ a week ago, and I'm already loving it. Turn in to listen to a few tunes I've recommended to our editors (they're few, but well, it's something :) ). Also, VOUDAB is pretty much dead, or, rather, in the process of transformation. However, my projects are very much alive and evolving. Keep your eyes open for some further news about the short (JEDER ANDERE TAG/ANY OTHER DAY) and various other projects that will take place later this/next year.

Also, tune in to RADIO FRITZ. Exciting things to come (for sure). As in, "an exciting interview with Patrick Wolf next thursday." Take care. xx phoenix
Monday, August 17, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My love-hate-relationship towars work, manifesting itself, comes to a climax. This month has been and still will be full of stuff to prepare for the shoot of JEDER ANDERE TAG / ANY OTHER DAY. As of now, I moved the shoot back for two months, so if everything (anything?) works out well we might start shooting by the end of October.
Next week, the FANTASY FILMFEST will take place in Berlin. Anybody willing to participate?
Here's a knee-slapper of a music video for those of you who're not too busy (anyways):
Monday, July 20, 2009

If there ever was a book that found its way to me, it has to be this one. In a time where I was engulfed in a both personal and artistic struggle, Craig Thompsons second graphic novel was both an inspiration and a reassurement. The story of the book is an autobiographical retelling of Thompsons first love when he was 18. Raised in a stric catholic household, Thompson was alien to his classmates and lived the life of a loner, until he meets 'Raina' during a skiing-trip.
The story is beautifully in both pictures and narration, and shouldn't be missed. However, what gave me so much reassurance (apart from the message of the book) is that this is Thompsons second full graphic novel, with his first work, GOOD-BYE CHUNKY RICE not being too much of a success (even though it's definetely a fantastic book). He's pretty much conquered the New York Times best-seelers list out of nowhere, and is now at least able to work on books full time.
With JAT taking up so much space in my head at the moment (and the project still not being green-lit, even though our crew's expanding with each week) and the next project already on the horizon, it's also a breth of fresh, positive air. But JAT and its as of now untitled successor are pretty dark, and I think I've still got to work on those two for some time, but the book showed me the direction which I want to take with future works. Sometimes it's much more simple to tell a small and beautiful story than to alienate and disturb your viewers...
I think I'd settle with a Craig Thompson Tattoo though, at least his version of the minotaur I wanted to get as a tattoo for ages (my close friends know why THAT minotaur). I don't think he'll draw one soon, but... well... maybe I'll end up with one of the angels that are so very present in BLANKETS...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
I've not got a heart-condition!!
After almost fading a few times over the last 5 days, ache in my left chest and arm, I finally decided to visit my doctor today, after being violently reminded of my own mortatily earlier in the noon (don't ask).
Anyway, it turns out I've not got a heart condition - heart, lungs, blood-pressure... it's all fine.
JEDER ANDERE TAG/ANY OTHER DAY looks more and more accomplished on paper, had a meeting yesterday, discussing the visuals. I've departed quite a lot from my initial idea of Haneke-esque impressionism, definetely a good thing.
Also, it's pretty much confirmed elsewhere but if you've not registered, I'll start working for RADIO FRITZ in September for a month. I'm really, really happy this worked out, can't wait to start the 4 weeks. I'll see where it takes me from there.
As a celebration of my upcoming job and my healthy heart, 3 essentially great music videos including dance-moves!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
'Tous les garcons et les filles...'
There's been long time no entry, and I'm happy to announce that THIS time, it actually has constructive reasons.

My long-in-the-works shortfilm ANY OTHER DAY / JEDER ANDERE TAG is moving along pretty well. We've got a cameraman and various actors attached, which we might confirm as soon as we'll have the money to greenlight the project. Raising money is 'of course' very very hard for a short film, and that it is my first doesn't really help either *duh*.
But I'm pretty optimistic. It's a whole bunch of work, but we'll figure how to do it, somehow...
I'm currently working on the visualiasation of the script, so we're talking shots, angels, colors etc. I've got to further expand my DVD-library (whoever has gotten my DVD of VITAL - please, let me know, I NEED IT) to further find new ways of visualisation which you've not yet seen before elsewhere.
Apart from that, I've been a bit tight on the entire project, and decided to loosen a bit up. SO, brace yourself for:
- at least 2 scenes of crying people
- fake blood - tons of it
- a group of dead bodies (group = more than 3)
- many, many colors
- the Beatles of crime
- mysterious writing on public walls
- loads of kick-ass action
Exactly *how* we'll do it is a bit in the open, but we'll manage, I hope...
Since I'll be pretty busy on the project, I won't post a lot and probably won't be in touch with many of you, so mail/calls/donations of money are VERY welcome!!
If you'd like to participate on the film and do something, then PLEASE, contact me. I guess you know how.
Alright now, back to watching some secondary material...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Batman & Robin #1
(silence, due to positive impression)
When I read BATMAN R.I.P., I was more than amazed at Grant Morrisons writing. If you're one
of the few whom I've not yet told of all the glory that was Morrisons run so far, let me summarise it quickly:

Batman has a son with the villainous Thalia al Ghul (daughter of Ra's al Ghul), revisits various characters from the 50s-comics (the league of heroes, consisting of various international superheroes which were created by DC for the european market in an attempt to create a "Batman"-counterpart for France/Italy/England etc.), fights 3 impostors (the Ghosts of Batman's past) and a villainous organisation entitled THE BLACK GLOVE and its evel head Dr. Hurt, who might or might not be the devil. 'Batman' was put on Crack and went "all ZUR-EN-ARRH" (see picture above), experienced something called "Bat-Might" (which was a regular character in the 70s-comics: a goofy miniature Batman that flew around his head only he could see/hear), fought a new Joker (who was a cross of Berlin-era Bowie and german-expressionism-film-villains) and finally, yep, sort of died, although we don't really know what happenned just yet.
"Batman and Robin" was described by Morrison as "a mixture of the campy show from the 60s and David Lynch's weirdness - a sort of twisted, dark Psychedelia". With ex-Robin-now-Nightwing Dick Grayson as new Batman and Batmans son Damien-Wayne-al-Ghul as new Robin, the series kicked off with its first issue yesterday.
And I can't put into words how big my amazement at it is!!
Take a look at THIS!!

This is 'Professor Pyg', Morrisons newest villain added to the Bat-verse. Professor Pyg transforms regular people into mindless puppets (see, regular person strapped to the table, mindless puppets to the left and to the right).
I don't want to spoil anything, but this is exactly the kind of villain I wanted to see Batman fight!! This #1 issue of 'Batman & Robin' is amazing in every way imaginable!! Frank Quietly's art is both hillarious and nightmarish at the same time, Morrison's writing is completely over the top, yet suits a modern day Gotham better than anything that dozens of other writiers have tried in this decade - he not only gives the character of 'The Batman' a new context and new importance, but also rejuvenates him. I encourage everybody to start reading this series now!!! It is twisted, it is nightmarish, it is colourful and it is damn funny!!
Scott Matthew
I took a hiatus from my promise to never go to a concert again (which is still up - don't you even THINK of telling me that you've got tickets to Morrissey next week) to see Scott Matthew in the Passion Church/Passionskirche.
I've first heard Matthew's music in the film SHORTBUS, which I encourage you to watch if you're bored - else, the film's not really delivering (to be honest, I thought it was a rather mediocre film, pepped up with gay-porn scenes, which may just not be my cup of tea). However, the Soundtrack was by far the best of SHORTBUS, but somehow I lost track of Matthew.
I was reminded of his when various friends o mine recomended his new record to me as one of the best efforts of a solo-artist in a very long time. And indeed, There is an Ocean that divides and with my longing I can charge it with a voltage that's so violent to cross it could mean death is an absolutely outstanding record.
So, after being quite torn, I decided to go, and it was definetely a very emotional concert. Matthew covered I WON'T SHARE YOU by The Smiths, a song that I've got a bit of a history with, and Neil Young's HARVEST MOON. I can only encourage everybody without a tinitus to go see him on his next tour - this guy really gets you!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
"OMG, It was HIM!! NO, HER!! No, THAT DUDE!!"

So much for drunken ramblings... *sigh*
So, YES, I am drunken. Completely. The occasion: watching MY BLOOY VALENTINE 3D. Yes, in 3D. With 3D glasses, in a cinema, filled with idiots.
I don't know if the film inspired the band, or the other way around... but I guess it didn't. The orriginal is a C-movie Schlocker from '81 I've never seen. Why the guys from Lionsgate decided to remake it, and why they decided to do it in 3D - I've got not a single clue!!
But the film is pretty well done. It's got some gore, and definetely has a HUGE trash-vallue. There are some red herrings thrown in that really make you guess who the killer is (I was right!! John: 1 - Phine: 0) and the film definetely gets better with the running time. And, BOY, were we drunk... the guy in front of us (who proceeded to snug with his girlfrined) asked us if we were high at some point. Obviously, the fuckface was SCARED TO DEATH!! Well, we weren't... But overall, the film really was worth the 9 Euros (!!!). Why it WAS in 3D still baffles me... there were 3 scenes which used the 3D-perspective in a good way, and overall it added to make the film a beter experience, but there wasn't any big jump-scare to justify the glasses. Still, it added to the atmosphere.
On my way home, some italans sat next to me, which provided a pretty surreal atmosphere to my trip home. I sat there, competely drunk, trying to put myself back together, and next to me, this extremely clihe-attractive-italian sat, who met some friends in the metro, going "Cue cesco di pradota di modi macusto de dona perque! Depastori duato ma Chiori da beto!" It was fascinating watching them... they could have debated politics (they repeated the word "gocha", which could men "left" and refer to the left winf party) or women ("donna" was used VERY often!!), but the warmth and restlessness of their dialogue really added to the atmosphere of my trip home...
I'm definetely glad that week is over though... to many strange and dull things happenned to me this week. Then again, it seems as if the time was pretty harsh on everybodyelse too... might be the moon...
Anyways, enjoy the trailer for the 1981-version of MY BLOODY VALENTINE - the schlock-slasher!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
so, after a lot of consideration, i finally decided to open this blog up.
i'll use this both as some sort of a diary (i'm sure i'll mostly use it for drunk ramblings) and to showcase the progressions of my various projects.
take care.
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